Patients registered on the NHS App

If you were already using the NHS app, please login and check your access has been reinstated. If you verified your account when your originally set your account up, with either your passport or driving licence, you should be able to access your record.

Please check your repeat medication, we have been advised that some patients are unable to see all their repeats, if this applies to you, please go to our website, and complete the ask the practice a question form, advising us of this issue. Please do not call the surgery to alert us to any issues. We will endeavour to rectify issues as soon as possible.

Patients registered on other patient Apps

Please register for online access using the NHS app, once you have registered it will ask you to verfity your account using your passport or driving licence. Once you have completed this the practice will recieve an alert asking us to approve your online request.

Once you have registered, you may want to submit a message to the practice using the ask the practice a question function on our website, to alert us that you have re applied for online access. Once approved we can notify you.

We will work through your requests as quickly as possible, we are anticipating somewhere in the region of 3000 requests, so it will take some time to work through these, thank you for you patient during this time.

How do I order medication while I wait for access to be approved?

If you need to request repeat medication in the mean time, please visit our website and use the request medication button, it will ask if you have online access, please select “NO”. A form wil load , and you can enter your details and medication you require We will then process these, requests for repeat medication will be processed and sent to the within 2 full working days.